Professional Development Webinars and Book Studies
Book Study and Discussion:
- Last Child in the Woods – Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. (6 videos, approx. 8.5 hrs, resources linked)
National Conference Workshop Recordings:
- The Hidden in Plain Sight: Recognizing and Responding to Trauma (MIC, 1 hr)
- Are You Leading or Managing? (MIC, 1hr 10 min)
- The Welcoming Classroom: Best Practices for Non-Binary Students (MIC, 1 hr 10 min)
- I Love My Job But It’s Killing Me (Keynote MIC, 50min)
- Understanding Church and School Ministries as One Entity (MIC, 1hr 2min)
- Connecting Church and School Through Chapel Time (MIC, 1hr 2min)
- The Magic of Building Meaningful Relationships (Keynote MIC, 52min)